
Nový software pro řídicí systémy Makino

Nový CNC software PRO6 pro řídicí systémy obráběcích center společnosti Makino reaguje na požadavky zákazníků v oblastech zvýšení provozní bezpečnosti, snadnosti použití, spolehlivosti a produktivity. Velká pozornost byla věnována minimalizaci rizika kolizí, jíž je dosaženo zvýšením názornosti vizualizací na obrazovce řídicího systému, novými analytickými funkcemi a také volitelným protikolizním zabezpečením pracujícím v reálném čase, které bere v úvahu reálné podmínky na provozovaném stroji. Filozofie ergonomického ovládání vychází ze způsobu používání mobilních zařízení a nechybí přitom ani všemožná technologická podpora obsluhy.

Ovládací panel řídicího systému Makino Professional 6

Zdroj: tisková zpráva společnosti Makino

Redakčně upraveno

Meeting customers’ expectations
When customers express their expectations of how processes should be improved, they frequently refer to the need to minimise downtime and speed up job verification. This led Makino to define two objectives for the development of its new CNC software: reducing operator time and effort prior to production, and reducing machine time and effort in production – true to the premise that Makino machines are designed to work on their own with minimal operator intervention. The newly launched PRO6 CNC controller fulfils all these requirements.

Enhanced tool and machine safety
Statistically speaking, the most frequent cause of spindle damage is a collision. The main contributory factors are mistakes in operating, setting and editing, and tooling and clamping – all mistakes that occur on the machine itself. PRO6 features a number of functions designed to minimise this collision risk: enhanced visualisation on a manual screen, a new analysis function, and an optional collision safeguard (CSG) with a real-time crash avoidance function which takes real machine conditions into consideration.

Streamlined operation
A simplified operating panel and operation flow, smartphone-like icons for the support menu, an interface that can be customised for each operator, an interactive status bar and a new workpiece setting function that eliminates the need for physical part alignment all serve to streamline machine operation.

Operator assistance
Information when and where the operator needs it is the key to the simplified operation that is an advantageous feature of the PRO6 CNC controller. Programming guidance, a G and M code description list, tool data screen, work coordinate screen, graphical probing interface, on-board manuals, direct access to the alarm, and e-mail alerts for unusual machine events, regular production reports or macro data are just some of the features that make life easier for the machine operator.

Improved machining performance
Several functions in the new PRO6 CNC controller improve machining performance. PRO6 features Makino’s newly developed motion control, the Super Geometrical Intelligence Version 5 (S-GI.5). One of S-GI.5’s functions that is likely to prove highly popular is the improved technology to achieve even greater surface quality. This new technology optimises the programmed path when CAM tolerances are too rough. The resultant smoother motion not only delivers a smoother finish but also reduces machining time, as the need for continuous acceleration and deceleration movements is reduced. Reducing machining times is indeed the most relevant function of the new controller. S-GI.5 is capable of processing programs and driving a machine much faster, while keeping or even increasing geometrical accuracy. The higher the programmed feed rate, the greater the time reductions achieved by PRO6. Depending on the sizes of parts, geometries and feed rates, PRO6 achieves machining time reductions of between 10% and 60%.

All in all, the biggest benefit customers will derive from Makino’s new PRO6 CNC controller is the improved productivity made possible by streamlining its operation and maximising machine performance, reliability and safety.

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